The controversy involving Kushboo wearing footwear near by the photos of Hindu deities got more serious with one more case has been filed against her. Following the cases filed against her in Chennai and Kumbakonam, another case is filed in Rameswaram today (December 1).
Kannan Siva, leader of Hindu Munnani, Rameswaram branch, has gone to the court seeking action against Kushboo for her alleged act that has “humiliated the feelings of Hindus”. She should be punished under the 295 and 295A Sections of IPC, demands the petition filed by Kannan.
Justice Sampath Kumar has accepted the petition and adjourned the case to December 5.
It may be recalled that Kushboo was allegedly sitting near by the photos of the Hindu Goddesses with footwear in her legs during the Pooja performed to mark the launch of 'Vallamai Tharayo'.
Reacting to the allegations, Kushboo categorically denied having humiliated the feelings of Hindus and said that she would submit her response before the court. Director Madhumitha too came in defense of the actor
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December 2, 2007 at 7:47 PM
i saw the case failed against kushboo.i'm not argure if she did correct or wrong. yersterday i saw a feature film in sun TV. mr vikaram (hero) was smoking in side of the temple i.e padithurai. who is mistakes is this director,or the actor? Why hindu banned such a movie. this kind of seen spoil the hollyness of our hindu culture. put case against particular person is a wrong atttutide. if you are fighting for hindus please ban each and every
activities made by some culprits